Only 12 prints are considered Printer’s Proofs. So this is one of twelve. Certificate of Authenticity, Offical Embossed 1xRun Seal. On Print official Tristan Logo and Signature. With Pencil Marking of the PP – Printers Proof. Artwork created for POW! Mohawk Fine Art Paper. Tristan Eaton: It’s about the blurry line between good guys and bad guys. It’s never as black and white as we think – especially in real life. This piece features a number of recognizable characters, there are 16 in total: Captain America, The Human Torch, Wolverine, Venom, Spider-Man, Dr Doom, Green Goblin, Hulk, Iron Man, Red Skull, Galactus, Colossus, Magneto, Thanos, Daredevil and The Thing!