This listing offers the Promethea Book 5 trade paperback, in NM- grade! This is a 6th printing and includes a double-sided tri-fold poster of both forms of the hard-to-find issue #32. This issue #32 was originally intended to be assembled into 2 very large posters each made by 16 tiles of 7.5 by 10 inch pages – huge! Here you get the assembled versions, in a reduced form, at 17 3/4 inches by 10 inches. And the trade paperback reprints the whole Apocalypse sequence from issues 26 to 32. The world will never be the same again. This trade paperback includes “the making of” for issue #32, the original paintings that were overlaid with line art and text and a numerical guide. Please check out my other auctions. You can get the full story of Promethea there, in trade paperback or hardcover books.