Rise of the Midnight. Doctor Strange, and a whole lot more. Also features a Bonus Poster in each issue which all-together form a larger poster. For eons, the walls between our earth and the supernatural realms have held fast. Until now. Now those walls are weakening, and Lilith, Queen of Evil, Mother of Demons, has risen from her slumber to shatter the walls and free her hellish spawn. Only the strangest of alliances can drive her back… A union of old enemies and new heroes, in a battle forever to be remembered as the. Rise of the Midnight Sons. Of Demons, was a powerful necromancer whose origins date back to pre-Cataclysmic Atlantis. Thousands of years ago, Atlantean sorcerers defeated Lilith and imprisoned her within the remains of the Biblical Leviathan. Lilith left behind many children, which she called her. Over the course of centuries, the. Began to breed with normal humans, and their demonic blood was diluted with every passing generation. The body of the Leviathan remained buried for millennia until discovered in recent years in the frozen wastelands of Greenland. At this time, Doctor Strange became aware that Lilith was regaining power and would soon rise from her long slumber. Rise of the Midnight Sons (The Complete 1992 Series) contains. Ghost Rider Issue #28 – August 1992. Andy Kubert & Joe Kubert. In Brooklyn, Ghost Rider attacks two street thugs for the murder of an elderly woman. He lashes at them with his chains and prepares to cut them down when Johnny Blaze appears and levels a Hellfire gun at Ghost Rider’s head. He warns the Rider that he is jeopardizing more lives than he’s actually saving. Ghost Rider relaxes slightly but still knocks the thugs out cold. He brings them back to the mausoleum at Cypress Hills Cemetery and seals them inside. While Johnny continues to condemn the Ghost Rider’s actions, an unkempt man arrives riding astride an antique motorcycle. He introduces himself only as the Caretaker and appears to possess intimate knowledge of the Ghost Rider and Blaze’s relationship to him. At the Ketch household, Francis Ketch is hysterical with grief over the loss of her son, Daniel. Officer Stacy Dolan assures her that she will do everything she can to find her son. Her father is present, but prepares to leave, citing that Michael. Team have the Ghost Rider cornered. Back in the cemetery. Team arrives and Johnny and the Caretaker duck for cover. The Ghost Rider, however, retreats back inside the mausoleum. He finds that all of the people he imprisoned there are now dead – all save Blackout and the immortal Mister Stern. Blackout bites Ghost Rider, who suddenly recoils in pain. The villains then rush out into the night where they encounter. Men who open fire upon them. They charge past them and escape. Ghost Rider meanwhile, while reeling on the floor, experiences a psychic connection with Dan Ketch. Dan’s spirit is dying, but before he can enter the light of Heaven, he sees the demonic visage of Lilith – Mother of Demons. Ghost Rider perceives this same vision and begins shouting out the names of Lilith’s demonic brood – the. He knows that Lilith is coming and that she must be stopped. He meets back up with Johnny and the Caretaker and tells them about his experience. The Caretaker gives Johnny his motorcycle, and the two “Spirits of Vengeance” set out to stop Lilith and her Children. Ghost Rider & Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance Issue #1 – August 1992. Ghost Rider and Johnny Blaze are riding through the streets of Brooklyn. Several police cars give chase, and Johnny fires his Hellfire Gun at them. One of the cars explodes in flames, but fortunately, the drivers are unharmed. Pained by guilt, Johnny still cannot understand why he has agreed to work with Ghost Rider. Ghost Rider shares with him the vision of Lilith and the destruction she aims to bring to the world. Johnny’s sole concern is protecting his family. In northern Greenland, Lilith breaks free of her prison – the desiccated remains of the Leviathan. She attacks and kills two scientists named Phillip Henderson and Adam Brigman. She reunites with one of her surviving. The teleporter Pilgrim, and together they begin a quest to track down the remainder of her. Later, Johnny and Ghost Rider meet up with the Quentin Carnival in Providence, Rhode Island. Johnny visits Roxanne and checks on his children before consulting with fortune teller Clara Menninger. Clara does a reading and tells him that he must seek out other allies who will help him to bring down the. Elsewhere, Lilith and Pilgrim finds one of their lost brood, Creed. Creed does not wish to take part in Lilith’s plans, but he is still devoutly loyal to her. She orders Creed and Pilgrim to find Johnny Blaze. Pilgrim, Creed and the villain known as Blackout revealed to be a. Go to the Quentin Carnival. They kidnap Johnny’s son, Craig, knowing that it will force Blaze to reveal himself. Blaze and the Ghost Rider fight the. And Creed nearly kills Ghost Rider. Johnny destroys Creed’s physical form with several quick bursts from his Hellfire gun. Ghost Rider beats up Blackout, and kicks him through Pilgrim’s teleportation portal. Pilgrim retreats through the portal as well. A short while later, Lilith arrives at the scene of battle to retrieve Creed’s remains. So long as he stays, his family will be in danger from Lilith. Clara Menninger tells them to seek out a woman named Martine Bancroft. Includes a poster of Johnny Blaze. Issue #1 – September 1992. Ron Wagner & Mike Witherby. When we first see. He is mad with hunger, stalking the rooftops of New York by night. He scents out a victim, an unnamed redheaded woman, and attacks. Meanwhile, at the club Limelight, Lilith and Pilgrim enter, with Blackout punching his way through the crowd to make a path. Lilith complements the “malevolent ambiance and music”; Blackout explains that the club used to be a cathedral, and the music is speed metal. Lilith makes a note of it, and says she may tarry a bit, once she has what. Reaching the center of the crowd, they come across two revelers – actually the slightly surprised. Nakota and Fang – who bow before Lilith. Elsewhere, in Times Square, Ghost Rider and Johnny Blaze ride in search of Blackout. Ghost Rider can sense some dark events about to transpire, but is unsure of exactly what. It is a sense he finds unsettling. The only clue in their search is a woman’s name and a hotel room number. Arriving at their destination, Ghost Rider covers his flaming skull with a riding helmet, and they knock on the door, bringing them face to face with Martine Bancroft. Explaining their search so far, they ask what she’s doing in town. She reveals she is searching for her. As Blaze examines a picture, he says he remembers the name. Ghost Rider immediately snaps up the picture, exclaiming that the man is one he had seen in his visions, though not as pictured. When Martine demands to know just who he is, Ghost Rider removes his helmet. After overcoming a brief shock, Martine pours herself a drink and says she doesn’t want to know. Martine explains she doesn’t know much about. Background: he had already won the Nobel Prize by the time she met him. They fell in love and got engaged, neither knowing that. Himself had a rare blood disease. Found out, he worked frantically on a cure, eventually turning to untested methods, such as serums extracted from vampire bats and electro-shock. The process cured him, but transformed him into a living vampire. Martine relates how he nearly killed her, that his “vampirism” had gone into remission, but had relapsed after an encounter with Dr. Strange, and that she knew he had recently fought Spider-Man. Her plan was to find him and bring him to a biologist who may have the potential to cure him. Barring that, she planned on putting him out of his misery. Ghost Rider and Blaze agree to accompany her. Before setting out, she makes a call to the biologist she found – Dr. Langford – in his lab, and tells him she and her new help will pick him up on the way. Ending the call, Langford muses that. Was too brilliant for his own good. “If you had accepted your disease, you’d at least be resting in peace by now, ” he says to himself, and if you hadn’t written so many brilliant unpublished papers during your remission, then you wouldn’t have attracted so much of the wrong kind of attention. Detailed notes of his condition which allowed Langford to synthesize a serum which would prove fatal to him, all while looking like an honest attempt at a cure under an autopsy. He makes a call to Dr. Paine’s men, stating that everything is proceeding according to plan. Back at the Limelight, Lilith uses Nakota’s clairvoyance to spy on Ghost Rider, Blaze, Martine and. She sends Fang to find. Sensing an opportunity to corrupt him. Martine, Langford, Ghost Rider, and Blaze finally arrive at the warehouse where Martine believes. Has made his lair. When the team enters the warehouse. Breaks through an interior door, threatening them to be gone or else. Is stopped in his tracks when he sees Martine, and hides his face in shame of what he’s become. To let them help him, but. Tells her that he fears there is no cure for him but death… Dives through the window, only to be brought down by a combination of one of Blaze’s hellfire shotgun blasts and Ghost Rider’s chain. Him while he is stunned. Back at Langford’s lab, Fang slips in by transforming into a liquid form. Finding Langford’s serum, Fang “poisons” it with his own demonic blood. While demon blood is normally extremely lethal, when mixed with Langford’s deadly formula alchemical and chemical processes warp it into something new and unpredictable. Langford later noted that the serum had changed color, but thought little of it and injected a bound and unconscious. Langford was shocked when. Not only survived, but began to mutate and then broke free of his bonds. Dives out the window, and Langford is left muttering to himself in shock as the others rush into the room. Ghost Rider and Blaze go to recapture. While Martine sobs to herself, and Dr. Langford calls Paine’s men to tell him there’s been ” a complication”. Begins to burn, and he realizes he must find shelter quickly. Finally, it occurs to him that he has one friend nearby: Jacob. Jacob – an M. Specializing in Family Practice and Internal Medicine – is enjoying his morning tea when. Comes crashing through the large picture windows of his brownstone. Falls unconscious, waking nine hours later. Is shocked to find he is back in his human form, although Jacob is quick to say he can’t take credit. Jacob has drawn on his mutation. Notes that it can’t possibly be stable. As if on cue. Painfully begins to turn again. Struggles with his bloodthirst, Jacob tells him that he might be able to work out a treatment – extend. Normal periods – if he gets a sample of the serum that mutated him. Tells him he will get it, but that he will need more protection than his tattered costume can provide. Finds a full-leather outfit (with cape) that he suspects will give him a good amount of protection. She approaches unnoticed, and find Langford arguing with three similarly-dressed men. We will later learn that these three are some of Dr. After hearing Langford tell the men the escape was not his fault, and that the dose should have been fatal, she is noticed. Martine calls the four of them scum, and pulls out the gun she had brought to finish of. Martine fires a few shots at their feet, but none are harmed. Langford wrestles the gun away and shoots her in the chest. Drawn by the scent of fresh blood. Is drawn back to Langford’s lab, where he finds a dying Martine. He is there to hold her when she dies, but afterwards the hunger comes back upon him, and he drains her, sobbing the whole time. Vows to end his own life before any more die, but not until he’s had his revenge. Just that moment, the four men return. Quickly slays the Orderlies, and Langford accidentally reveals that he killed Martine while begging for his life. With broken beakers of chemicals igniting around them. Drains Langford, then throws his body out the window. For the first time in his life. Finds he has killed with no remorse, only satisfaction. It is only after collecting the beaker of serum that. Notices the blaze around him. He dives for the window, but is also half blown out by an ensuing explosion. Is surprised to find Ghost Rider and Blaze below, even as Ghost Rider keeps the beaker of serum from crashing to the ground. When Ghost Rider demands to know what happened. Tells him of Langford’s treachery and Martine’s death. Unsatisfied, Ghost Rider uses his penance stare to sort things out. Although confronted by apparitions of the many people he’s killed. Tells Ghost Rider he’s seen nothing he didn’t already know. Ghost Rider find himself in a quandary, as. Has remorse, but can’t be allowed to continue slaying innocents. Then vows to drink only the blood of corrupt. Ghost Rider tells him that the path he has chosen is thornier than he suspects, but that he will not interfere. All three depart before the first-responders arrive. Back at the Limelight, Lilith curses that. Has escaped her grasp. After nearly choking Nakota, Lilith restrains her anger, and decides that there are easier mortals to prey upon than. She then asks a clearly exhausted. To show her Victoria Montessi.. Later, at the Daily Bugle Building, Ben Urich gets a call from a source at the 73rd precinct tipping him off about a “Jane Doe”, Dead. Arrival with no blood in her body. Peter Parker recognizes the work of. When he hears it, and resolves to do something about it… Includes a poster of Morbius The Living Vampire. #1 – October 1992. Rick Case & Mark McKenna. Bobbie Chase & Kelly Corvese. In New York, a dwarf with an evil sneer delivers a black envelope to a businessman named Donald J. He gets into an argument with his wife, Zephyr, then begins producing Chameleon Worms from his body. The worms attack Zephyr, choking her until she dies. In Rome, Italy, physician Victoria Montesi has lunch with her colleague, Nash. One of her supervisors stops by the table and Montesi and he get into a brief argument. Afterwards, they return home to the apartment they share together. Suddenly, an explosion rips through the room, greatly injuring both women. When Victoria awakens, she finds her father, the priest Vittorio Montesi at her bedside along with Interpol agent, Sam Buchanan. Vittorio tells the agent that the Montesi family is charged with safekeeping the Book of Sins known as the. Several pages from the. Have been lost for ages however. Vittorio suspects that the attack against his daughter may be related to the. And asks Buchanan to keep an eye on her. Victoria doesn’t tell her father that she has been experiencing bizarre nightmares relating to the. Herself out of the hospital and takes a walk. A group of ninjas in service to the cult known as the. Ambush her, but Buchanan arrives and helps to protect her. She then tells him about her visions and that she must go to the United States. Back in New York, Ghost Rider and Johnny Blaze arrive in town. Ghost Rider had a vision, which foretold the coming of Lilith – the. Of Demons, and now they seek out potential allies in their crusade to stop her and her evil brood. Along the way, they meet occultist Louise Hastings – an old friend of Vicki’s. Montesi and Buchanan arrive in the United States and drive to the estate of Donald J. Walsh in Long Island. This is the place from Vicki’s dreams. They cut past the crime scene tape and eventually find Louise Hastings. Hastings shows them the empty black envelope and tells Vicki that it contained one of the lost pages of the. His body is consumed by the Chameleon Worms and he begins attacking them. Moments later, Ghost Rider and Johnny Blaze crash through the window of the mansion on their motorcycles. Johnny fires at Walsh with his Hellfire shotgun, but Walsh manages to reform himself. The group manages to collect several of the worms together and encases them inside of a glass jar. Some of the worms are still free however, and the reform into a humanoid body and attack Vicki. Vicki runs outside and Walsh gives chase. As he races across the street, a bus smashes into him, splattering his worm-encrusted form. To make matters even more difficult, Lilith and. Appear on the scene as well. She is also accompanied by a group of. Ghost Rider and Johnny Blaze fight the. But one of them manages to stab Vicki in the leg with a dagger. Louise Hasting conducts a simple ritual that summons a massive flock of birds. The birds swoop down and eat all of the Chameleon Worms preventing Walsh from reconstituting himself. Blaze turns his gun towards Lilith and fires a Hellfire blast into her shoulder. Lilith doesn’t wish to risk further injury, so she teleports away, leaving one of her. Redeemers discuss the night’s affairs with Johnny and Ghost Rider, a curious individual observes them from a distance – Modred the Mystic. Elsewhere, the Dwarf approaches a new victim and delivers a black envelope to him. Includes a poster of the Dark Dwarf (of Darkhold). Issue #1 – November 1993. Ron Garney & Tom Palmer. Known as Nakota has escaped from her last encounter with the Spirits of Vengeance. They manage to stop her, and Ghost Rider incapacitates Nakota with his Penance Stare. Through the experience, Ghost Rider has a vision of three more men who may be of potential aid in the upcoming battle with Lilith – Blade, Frank Drake and Hannibal King. In Boston, Frank Drake takes his wife, Marlene, to the New England Aquarium. While observing the whale tank, Frank has a harrowing vision of Lilith tearing through the belly of the creature, and emerging in the Earth realm. Frank shakes away the vision, only to discover that Marlene is now in a state of catatonia. Doctor Strange is present in the crowd and recognizes Lilith’s influence. Later, strange visits a mental hospital in Boston operated by Doctor. Under the capacity of a physician. Arranges to have Blade released from the hospital, despite the strong reservations held by. He surreptitiously uses his magic to provide Blade with his old equipment and weaponry. Blade goes to Borderline Investigative Services to reunite with his old ally, Hannibal King. Hannibal has been having difficulty in life lately, as he now feels the old vampiric bloodlust welling up inside of him. Unlike most vampires, Hannibal has never consumed the blood of the innocent – a detail that once saved him from the effects of the vampire-destroying Montesi Formula. Meanwhile, Lilith and Pilgrim track down another one of her. Executes a man named Justin Hoyt and offers him up as a sacrifice to his “mother”. He then shows her a parchment of dried flesh, etched with the likeness of the Mystic Nine that threaten to stop Lilith’s plans. The images include Blade, Frank Drake, Hannibal King, Ghost Rider, Johnny Blaze. Victoria Montesi, Louise Hastings and Sam Buchanan. Lilith then embarks upon a plan to manipulate her enemies into fighting each other. She takes on a human disguise and enters the offices of Borderline Investigations in the form of a paying client. Lilith tells the three men that she wishes to hire them to kill two “demons”, Ghost Rider and Johnny Blaze. Blade is instantly set off by her, commenting that she gives off the scent of evil. The group outfits themselves with new equipment and weaponry, including a. Gun that targets supernatural entities. They hunt and eventually track down Ghost Rider and Blaze. Ghost Rider attempts to use his Penance Stare on Blade, but Blade deflects it with the reflective surface of his sword, causing Ghost Rider insurmountable pain. Drake then blasts Ghost Rider with his. Gun, “Linda”, and causes Ghost Rider’s bones to fuse together. Blaze draws his Hellfire gun and prepares to fire, but Blade counters the gun’s effects with a double-barreled weapon that fires miniature wooden stakes. Arrives and enters the fray. The combatants realize that they’ve been set up, and that they should be fighting Lilith’s brood rather than each other. Hannibal King summons a plague of rats to distract. Giving Blade the opportunity to decapitate him. Across the river on the U. Constitution, Lilith and Doctor Strange watch the events from afar. Lilith baits Strange into entering the struggle directly, but. Knows that his magic is too powerful, and would only serve to open the doorway between the two worlds even further. He knows that the fight can only be won by nine chosen champions of minimal power. As the battle concludes, Blade, Frank and Hannibal form an uneasy truce with Ghost Rider and Johnny Blaze. The three men vow that “the night is no longer safe” for the forces of evil. Includes a poster of Frank Drake & Hannibal King. Ghost Rider Issue #31 – November 1993. Locate the body of their fallen demon. Recently met a grisly end at the hands of the. Lilith decides that she wants to stage her final battle against the Nine at the place of her resurrection – Greenland. Pilgrim opens a portal, and the brood teleport thousands of miles away. Lilith takes the frozen remains of the two scientists she killed and fuses them with. Ghost Rider and Blaze meanwhile, ride across the countryside in the hopes of finding Doctor Strange. Ghost Rider is confident that Strange is the only man capable of stopping Lilith and saving Ketch’s soul. In Boston, Blade, Frank Drake and Hannibal King return to the offices of Borderline Investigative Services after their most recent run-in with the. As they open a door, an explosion erupts forwards blasting all three men backwards. They disappear from the scene soon after. In New York City, Doctor Strange encounters the vampire. During his nightly feeding. Aid, and the living vampire tells him that “you only had to ask”. Strange opens a portal that transports. To the rest of the chosen Midnight. All nine of the chosen warriors simultaneously appear in the Arctic Circle, including. The Spirits of Vengeance and the. Lilith and her brood stand ready to face them. Lilith commands Pilgrim to tear a hole in her throat with his fingernail, thus creating a dimensional portal within Lilith’s own body. From this, she plans on resurrecting all of her. The Midnight Sons charge after her. Lilith reaches into the portal and uses her magic to call forth the lost spirit of Daniel Ketch. She binds Ketch’s soul to a new body resembling. He attacks Ghost Rider, sending him sprawling from his motorcycle. Johnny Blaze is reluctant to turn his Hellfire shotgun against the new. Because he knows that Dan Ketch is part of the creature’s genetic matrix now. Across the skull, but this does little good, so Sam Buchanan shoots him three times. Blade slices Dan across the stomach with one sword, and drives the other downward into his shoulder. Howling in pain, Dan loses control of himself and wades through his own comrades to get to his foes. He attacks Pilgrim, causing the. To create a dimensional rift inside himself. Ghost Rider gets back up and ensnares Dan with his chains, then throws Dan back through the portal in Lilith’s body. Meanwhile, attacks Fang and bites him across the throat. He suddenly realizes that Fang is responsible for the vampire’s current physical. Blade attacks Blackout, while Frank Drake turns his attention towards the rift. Ghost Rider attacks Lilith directly and holds her high above his head. He then forces Lilith into her own rift and the gateway instantly closes. As things begin to quiet down, Doctor Strange arrives. He tells the remaining Midnight Sons that he could not attack Lilith directly, for the use of his own powers would only serve to strengthen the rift, hastening Lilith’s goals. Some miles away, Lilith and the. The battle has greatly weakened her, and she needs time and sustenance to gain her strength back. Seeking nourishment, Lilith attacks one of her own. Nakota, and begins drinking her blood. Includes a poster of Ghost Rider. Each mini-poster included in all of the “Rise of the Midnight Sons” crossover issues represent 1/6th of a larger “puzzle” poster that forms a composite illustration of the “Midnight Sons” with the Ghost Rider in the center. Sealed Comics lot contains: Rise of the Midnight Sons – The Complete Series – (1992) Parts 1-6. The Complete Rise of the Midnight Sons Comics lot contains. Ghost Rider Issues #28 & 31 (1992). Ghost Rider & Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance #1 (1992). That it arrives to you perfectly and quickly. FC, 32 pages, Comic, 10.25″ x 6.5″. Collectible Entertainment note: Poly-Sealed Comics {Parts} 1,2,3,4,5,6. In Very Fine + condition. A must have for any serious Ghost Rider. And/or Doctor Strange collector / enthusiast. A fun & entertaining read! Please check out all my other Groo or Conan or Magazines or. Horror or Werewolf or Zombie or Frank. Or GI Joe or War or Judge Dredd or Infinity or Marvel Secret Wars or Crisis on Infinite Earths or Spawn or Venom or Carnage or Toxin or Kolchak or Mad Max or Star Trek or Starship Troopers or Science Fiction or Horror or James Bond or Adventure Time or Movie Adaptations or Spider-Man or Flash Gordon or Richard Corben or Indiana Jones or Star Wars or Jurassic Park or Dinosaurs Attack or Mars Attacks or Planet of the Apes or Godzilla or Thing or Robocop or Aliens or Predator or Terminator listings by visiting my store and typing. Crisis on Infinite Earths. Planet of the Apes. In the store search engine. Track Page Views With. Auctiva’s FREE Counter. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Comic Books & Memorabilia\Comics\Comics & Graphic Novels”. The seller is “collectible_entertainment” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped worldwide.
- Superhero Team: Nightstalkers, Darkhold Redeemers
- Title: Rise of the Midnight Sons
- Type: Comic Book
- Artist/Writer: Howard Mackie, Andy Kubert, Joe Kubert, Len Kaminski, Ron Wagner, Mike Witherby, Christian Cooper, Mark McKenna, Rick Case, Dan G. Chichester, Tom Palmer, Adam Kubert, Ron Garney
- Publication Year: 1992
- Publisher: Marvel Comics
- Genre: Action/Adventure, Action, Horror & Sci-Fi, Superheroes
- Unit of Sale: Comic Book Lot
- Era: Modern Age (1992-Now)
- Character: Johnny Blaze, Lilith, Lilin, Dan Ketch, Frank Drake, Hannibal King, Dark Dwarf, Blackout, Ninjas, Doctor Strange, Ghost Rider, Morbius
- Issue Number: 1-2-3-4-5-6
- Style: Color
- Series: Rise of the Midnight Sons
- Features: Bagged, Sealed, Poster, Poly-Sealed, Boarded
- Universe: Marvel (MCU)
- Language: English
- Tradition: US Comics
- Cover Artist: Joe Kubert, Andy Kubert, Mike Witherby, Ron Wagner, Rick Case, Mark McKenna, Tom Palmer, Adam Kubert, Ron Garney
- Main Character: Ghost Rider / Doctor Strange / Morbius
- Product Type: Poly-Sealed Comics Lot
- Product Condition: Brand New & Poly-Sealed / Very Fine +
- UPC: None Stated
- Year: 1992
- Publication Date: 1992